Road Rage Plot

A highway is built over an Indian burial ground, leading to the angry spirits possessing chunks of the road and creating a golem our of them.  Originally, the land was used to burry shamans, and witch doctors of the local tribes.  It was treated as a place filled with spiritual energy, and thus, treated with respect, which kept the spirits happy, and let the land prosper.  But after the land was taken, the spirits grew angry, and restless.  They began to torment any who tried to colonize the land over the mass grave site.  Years pass, and people began to forget the legend of the land.  Eventually, a town is built on the outskirts of the grave site.  The spirits would attack the people who lived at the edge of the town, closest to the graves, but other than these incidents that would be written off by the local police, the spirits would leave the land alone.  Jump to present day, and the new mayor of the town has just passed the motion to build a new road to connect to a major highway.  With the road built over the burial ground, and the spirits creating a golem, the townsfolk are slowly picked off over the course of several days.  All the while a local hippie, a descendent of one of the shamans possessing the golem, and the only cop that believes them try to figure out a way to stop the monster and its rampage.  After a stand off between the cops, the mayor, and the golem that leaves most of the cops and the mayor dead, the trio manage to stop the golem by performing a ritual that sends the spirits to an eternal slumber by removing any magical essence left in them.  The golem crumbles, and the trio make their way back into town to inform the populous that the monster is defeated.  The last shot of the movie is of the pile of asphalt that was once the golem.  The screen fades to black, and we can hear the rubble begin to shift slightly.


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